Monday, February 4, 2008

Case of the Mondays?

Remember how I said I loved my job? Disclaimer: not always. Too much attitude in one day breaks my spirit. Especially on a crabby crappy Monday. One of those days when I feel like a pin cushion from all the sharp things that prick me.

Why do people think they don't need to hold up their end of the bargain, yet still demand what they want?! And why do I feel so hurt by their potent insensitivity? I have decided that people from afluent origins often have a sophisticated understanding of their own power. Children and adults alike around here. They can afford more, so they expect more. And the thing is... I think they get more, regardless of price.

I'm trying to learn from it instead of just getting bitter. Why not ask for what I want, whether I think I deserve it or not?! Maybe I'd get more, too. But what would I leave in my wake?

Although, I may need to take more responsibility for my own feelings today. I did try to relive my youth this weekend, complete with a few minor self-destructive decisions. Then I dove right back into my current life. Maybe people are just being people (as they always will be), and I just need more sleep in order to not lose myself in the shuffle.

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